I can't believe how fast things are moving.
While I know I'll have a post after Halloween, I didn't want the whole month to pass without one word or picture documented.
Time is not on my side so this one will be short and sweet. I've already had to get up 4 times to get Tyce. He's getting faster and more curious every day. He's so fun, but now I have to reserve his nap time to get regular house things finished.
Kindergarten has been great so far. Ryder's learning to read and problem solve very quickly. His teacher is great and I've already been to two SAC (student advisory council) meetings.
Alrighty, I just put the baby down for nap #2, so let me move on the the pictures from the dropbox so I can get a quick summary in with each one.
Here's the Meat helping me with the laundry. He loves the laundry room. Whether his trying to eat the dog food or get into the washer, the laundry room has all sorts of fun things for a baby on the crawl.
Emily had her 6th birthday party at Monkey Bizness and both kids had a great time. What kid doesn't love crawling all over a huge jungle gym?
Ryder had his first season of T ball (fall ball). He looked so cute in his little baseball pants and cleats. All the kids seemed to get better and it was very comical for the parents too. Now that we've got all the basics down next season should be more "game filled."
Ryder's best friend from VPK, Charlie invited us to his 6th birthday. We were so thrilled to get this invite! These guys are like two peas in a pod and since they don't go to the same school anymore they don't get to see each other. It was awesome to see them play and interact like two long lost buds. We have plans to do more fun stuff with Charlie and his family.
Tyce likes to "share" things with the dog. It's so totally gross, but definitely worth documenting for future laughter.

We took Devin and MomMom for their 1st ever SeaWorld visit and had a wonderful time. I don't think I will ever get over the amazement and awe I feel seeing all the magnificent animals. And I love when that joy can be passed to an 'unexpecting' observer.
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