Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Don't compare your kids....

I was filling out the 18 month survey form from the doctor's office for Tyce's upcoming visit.  Since there are quite a bit of things that they want you to "test" with your toddler they send the questionnaire home.  Most of the questions or activities are basic...."Does your child say more than 6 words?, Can your toddler stack more than one item?"   Then there is, "Does your child talk as much as other toddlers his age?" 
Kind of a loaded question for me.
I don't hang out with tons of other kids his age, so I always think back to what his big brother was doing at the time.  (Which was talking A LOT)  Which puts me in another predicament.   I'm now comparing the two...again.
Why does EVERYONE always say (with a sort of snide tone), "Don't compare your kids...."?????

For the record people, I'm never comparing them like one is better than the other!
I love them both more than anything in the world.
I love them equally, even though they are very different.

Why is it not natural and OK for me to compare my kids?  It seems instinctive and normal.

Just a quick example.  Ryder was talking very early.  Small sentences by age 2.  It was really cool.  At the time I didn't think anything of it because I only had him.  Everything he did seemed normal and on track.   Now that I have another one, nature has given me a reference.  Tyce is saying some words and babbling, but nothing like his brother.  Ryder is very book smart.  Sometimes I wonder how photographic his memory really is?  This doesn't make me love one any more or less, they are just simply different.   On the other hand, Tyce can dribble a soccer ball all around the yard for several continuous minutes.  Ryder wasn't interested in many sporting activities until recently.  Also, unlike his brother, Tyce seems to have quite a handle on his hand-eye coordination and motor skills.
Again, doesn't make me love one more than the other, I just love them.  They are both unique in their own way.   Both beautiful, smart, DIFFERENT kids.  I love them for who they are.
I feel it's perfectly logical and normal to compare.  Even the questionnaire is asking me to "compare" my toddler to other toddlers.  Not to mention the first thing another mother does when you tell her a story about YOUR kid is tell a similar story about HER kid.  
it's OK for you to compare YOUR kid to MINE, but not for me to compare MY OWN kids to EACH OTHER?!
That's just weird.
I say compare away, just love them.
Hug them, kiss them and let them know they are special...and unique...and different...and that's why you LOVE them so, so much!

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