Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It's all such a fine line

It really is.  
Such a fine line.
I think about this all the time.  It spawns and snowballs into so many 'what ifs' and 'what have yous'
I wonder if everyone wonders the same things?

We all do our best as mothers, parents.
Every little scolding, reprimanding turned lesson. time out...such a fine line.
You wonder...and maybe not in the heat of the moment...but at some point..
Did I handle that right?  Did I get my point across in positive way?  Did he really absorb what I was trying to teach?  Does he appreciate the boundaries?
Such a fine line.
Will he understand why I lost my temper?... Is my lesson on why we have to pick up after ourselves getting through??  Was that a life lesson?  Does he know I just don't want him to get hurt?  
Are we spoiling him?  Does he expect things or is he appreciative?
Does he know that last toy was for his good "report card" at school? "keep up the good work"...did I explain that properly?  Is he grateful?
Did he even hear me?

I could go on and on.
Every day EVERY thing we say and do they pick up on it.  Every thing.  Even when we don't think they are paying attention.   They are listening, learning, watching, absorbing.

Is this one action the thing they will remember forever and take with them?

No pressure, right?

I love them more than anything I could describe...I love their father.  They are being raised in a loving family.
The plan is that that will be the basis that shapes them into fine young men.
Well rounded people with good morals and respect for themselves and others.
People that you want to be around.  Men that you want to be like, that you look up to.
Positive and happy.

We all do our best.....
Then we send them out into the world and hope at least some of the things that we said, taught and did will stick.

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