Daddy with the leashed dog, me with the baby in the stroller and Ryder on his bike. It was nice, we all had a good time.
Today, although Dad was in town at a basketball game, I thought I would recreate the act without the dog. Baby, Ryder and myself around the block. Simple.
I gather everybody up. Baby in stroller, Ryder on bike, let's move out. The dog is barking like crazy, because he wants to go too. Sorry pooch, not enough hands and you don't behave 100%. He keeps barking, but we proceed.
It's nice. We're just two houses down and Ryder wants to stop and pick some wildflowers out of the field for me. Sweet boy.
Our neighbor comes out with his dog to chat and help Ryder get every color azalea off the bushes in his yard. Very patient man Mr Bill. A great neighbor.
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We get back on our way. I can still hear our dog barking.
Some other neighbors stop in their car to get out and have a peek at the baby. Nice. He is a cutie.
As they pull away other people from the community are coming up the road with their dogs. They are beautiful (the dogs, not the people)
Ryder stops again for more flowers for me, so I make small talk with the newcomers. The dogs are some sort of Egyptian breed, tall and thin, show dogs. Cool. The lady is talking about the 'gentle leader' leashes they have on. She's telling me I would be able to walk my dog and everybody else in my pack if I had one of these. I'm smiling and nodding, the baby is stirring and I need to get moving. As I turn to go she has a slight look of panic in her eye and says, "Is that your dog...."
(This next part happens in minutes, seconds maybe)
I turn to look down the street.
Mind you, we are only about 4 houses down, just right at the corner.
Out of the corner of my eye I see MountieBoo tearing at us. He is running at us like a greyhound, full speed ahead.
So fast it looks like he's smiling.
The lady turns to get out of Dodge while saying..."we're just gonna keep moving, we don't want any trouble."
Trouble... ??
What the heck is she talking about??
From who the big galoot who's galloping at us??
Trouble?.. Like this is some sort of stick up.
Is my dog not pure enough to hang with your fancy dogs??
I'm so confused, I'm not even sure how to respond.
But what I'm really thinking is...
Holy Crap! how in the heck am I going to catch this dang mutt with the baby in the stroller, while keeping an eye on my other kid who has now abandoned his bike?
And how in the heck did the dang dog even get out?
He better not have dug a hole!
So the lady kind of run/walks away and, of course, our 'smart' dog barrels right at her and her husband and their show dogs.
They keep going, so does he.
God love him, he just wants to play. He's running, jumping, just a hot mess.
Somehow, by the grace of God, they stop retreating and I'm able to grab his collar.
He immediately realizes he's caught and in big trouble and gives up.
Again. Thank God.
Now I have the stollered baby and the dog by the collar. Actually one finger in the ring in his collar so it stays tight and he doesn't try to shimmy out. I'm looking at the bike wondering what my next move should be...
The show dog owners are practically out of sight at this point. Thanks people.
I tell Ryder to go to the house and get the leash. At least he will be safe in the yard or house while I comically walk, slowly, with everyone else in tow, hoping something doesn't catch Mountie's eye and he bolts tearing off my vulnerable finger.
Mr Bill appears like a saint, with leash in hand.
I hadn't even realized he disappeared.
He must have saw the whole scene play out when the dog was rounding the corner out of the driveway. He managed to get his dog inside his house and reappear to save the day in seconds. Smart, kind man.
This could have been a real Greek tragedy.
Instead it was hilarious.
Thank you Mr. Bill.
In the end, we did end up going for a walk.
All of us.
Even the dog.
And he did dig a hole.
Right under the fence.
Hahahahaha. I know, you need more hands. I learned that very quickly after the twins were born.