Next week he goes for his shots. The ones that "allow" him to go out into the world. I feel like he's sturdy enough now, but why rush it?
Really don't need to get him to the grocery just so people can breathe, touch and germ all over him. Let the preciousness of it all last just one more week.
Just one more week for me to coddle over my "newborn".
In my mind once he gets those shots, he'll be a baby not a newborn.
He's almost ready for the Bumbo....
Time is really gonna start moving after that.
He'll roll over.
Sit up on his own.
Start eating cereal.
Be able to go in the walker.
He'll be a toddler before I figure out how to handle each phase of all these weeks.
The benefit of him being my second child is that I do know the time is fast. I can relish
each moment.
He's only a baby for a minute.

Just as an added Bonus I look at my 4 year old with awe. He's perfect.
I often wonder how he grew so fast, how he was once so small? Smaller, in fact, than his little brother.
His features are changing. He's a little boy, not a baby, not even a toddler.
So smart, so observant, so aware.
He's really beginning to BE the big brother.
He looks at his brother with love and sweetness. I know he will be protective.
They smile at each is a beautiful, beautiful thing.
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