Friday, April 27, 2012
Name Project
Ever since I did the domino letter project , my 4 year old wanted something for his room, too.
Well, we finally got around to creating something original just for him.
I had my eye on a piece of wood that my Hubs had in the garage for a while, I just had to think of what I could do with it. A few elaborate ideas crossed my mind, but I knew I should keep it simple. I usually fare better with the simple projects.
Paint is always fun and what could be easier than finger paint? There we go. We will paint the wood. Easy peasy..
The supplies I used to make this are:
finger and acrylic paints, a wood board (12x36in), paint brushes, painter's tape, a drop cloth, polyurethane and one kid.
Update: New house, new location
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Gutter Shelves
I've been tossing around different shelf ideas for the baby's room for a while now. I'm not sure how his room is going to change as he grows, so I wasn't ready to commit to a major shelving unit. Or worse, have the Hubs build something that I may not need/want in a few years.
What I needed was a quick, inexpensive fix.
I searched Pinterest for an answer...and it delivered.
Gutter Shelves!
There were many different links to follow. My fav is this one.
And Beth at Sunshine on the Inside has become one of my favorite bloggers. Not only did she have a great explanation of her installation process, but also took the time to answer the many questions that followed her post, including mine.
We tend to randomly visit the home improvement store, so on our most recent visit, I picked up one length of 10' gutter ($6 and change) and a total of six end caps ($1.50 each). At the time I had not read through all the tutorials so I just grabbed the HUGE gutter screws offered next to all the gutter supplies.
When we got home my Hubby headed to the garage to cut the gutter into 3 pieces. (this is definitely the hardest part of the whole project. I'm glad he did it.)
Over the next couple of days I stared at the wall and thought, "Geez, these screws are huge, there must be a better way." And as Beth so kindly shared there was.....drywall screws.
Which we just so happened to have in the garage.
So it was time to get started...
After some more staring, I figured I wanted the shelves 12 inches apart. I eye-balled the bottom shelf to the height I wanted, then measured 12 inches between each. I drew a light pencil line to be sure it would look OK.
There are three screws in each shelf and one goes through a stud. I put a level in the shelf while I drilled to be sure I was straight.
The screws are at a bit of an angle.
And done!
Pretty simple.
Now my after advice..
I suppose I missed a few minor details when reading and/or shopping. Luckily, I can return the huge gutter screws, didn't need them. Also, my shelves are metal. After re-reading Beth's blog, I realize that hers are vinyl. Probably a bit more sturdy and easier to cut. I'm not even sure that our home store offered vinyl? Oh, well they are up, they look good and it was easy.
And an added bonus is that my 4 year old is rediscovering all his old books. A while back, I moved all these board books out of his room to make room for his 'big boy' books. Now he has the best of both worlds. ;)
What I needed was a quick, inexpensive fix.
I searched Pinterest for an answer...and it delivered.
Gutter Shelves!
There were many different links to follow. My fav is this one.
And Beth at Sunshine on the Inside has become one of my favorite bloggers. Not only did she have a great explanation of her installation process, but also took the time to answer the many questions that followed her post, including mine.
We tend to randomly visit the home improvement store, so on our most recent visit, I picked up one length of 10' gutter ($6 and change) and a total of six end caps ($1.50 each). At the time I had not read through all the tutorials so I just grabbed the HUGE gutter screws offered next to all the gutter supplies.
When we got home my Hubby headed to the garage to cut the gutter into 3 pieces. (this is definitely the hardest part of the whole project. I'm glad he did it.)
Over the next couple of days I stared at the wall and thought, "Geez, these screws are huge, there must be a better way." And as Beth so kindly shared there was.....drywall screws.
Which we just so happened to have in the garage.
So it was time to get started...
After some more staring, I figured I wanted the shelves 12 inches apart. I eye-balled the bottom shelf to the height I wanted, then measured 12 inches between each. I drew a light pencil line to be sure it would look OK.
There are three screws in each shelf and one goes through a stud. I put a level in the shelf while I drilled to be sure I was straight.
The screws are at a bit of an angle.
That's pretty much it. I added books.
Pretty simple.
Now my after advice..
I suppose I missed a few minor details when reading and/or shopping. Luckily, I can return the huge gutter screws, didn't need them. Also, my shelves are metal. After re-reading Beth's blog, I realize that hers are vinyl. Probably a bit more sturdy and easier to cut. I'm not even sure that our home store offered vinyl? Oh, well they are up, they look good and it was easy.
And an added bonus is that my 4 year old is rediscovering all his old books. A while back, I moved all these board books out of his room to make room for his 'big boy' books. Now he has the best of both worlds. ;)
Saturday, April 21, 2012
This one's for the boys...
just a few helpful things to keep in mind while on your journey of life...
(Instead of always thinking.."I need to remember to tell the boys that one day." I figured I just document all my 'words of wisdom' now. That way they will be here for your reading pleasure anytime.)
And just in case I forgot anything really important or you need some advice...
Yes, you can always ask me. I will always be here for ANYTHING you need. Always. No matter what. I love you more than anything in this whole universe and that will never change..EVER.
just a few helpful things to keep in mind while on your journey of life...
(Instead of always thinking.."I need to remember to tell the boys that one day." I figured I just document all my 'words of wisdom' now. That way they will be here for your reading pleasure anytime.)
- Chivalry is not dead. Your partner will want to feel safe and protected. Remember to keep it balanced with respect and tenderness.
- Be a leader. It's better to lead with good intentions than to follow someone with bad ones.
- No one wants to sit in pee. So aim it in the toilet and wipe it up when you miss. (You will miss.)
- Technology is awesome, utilize it all. Not only does this include your computer and hand held gaming device, but the dishwasher and washing machine too.
- Keep your nose clean. The meaning of this saying will change as you mature, heed it's advice.
- Learn to cook.
- Be respectful to women. When the women are not happy, no one is happy.
- Remember Please and Thank You. Manners will always take your further in life.
- Never judge a book by its cover. Don't place judgment on people until you know the whole story, it may be different than you assumed.
- Be on a team. A team will help you learn discipline, communication and how to work well with others.
- Don't litter. It is helpful to NO ONE.
- Trust that everything happens for a reason, take the positive from all situations.
- Be kind to animals.
- Patience is a virtue. Learn it. Practice it. It will save you from a lot of useless frustration.
- Travel whenever you can.
- Your private parts are exactly that...private. There is no need for you to adjust or scratch them in public.
- Brotherly love is special, never take it for granted.
- A smile goes a long way, put one on everyday.
- Be thankful for what you have and help others who are less fortunate. Good deeds can be worth more than any dollar amount.
- Make a difference. It always starts with one person.
And just in case I forgot anything really important or you need some advice...
Yes, you can always ask me. I will always be here for ANYTHING you need. Always. No matter what. I love you more than anything in this whole universe and that will never change..EVER.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
My friend Amanda who blogs at Sunshine and Rayne recently turned me on to this article from ....
Are your kids getting dirty enough?
Are they getting dirty enough? When it comes to germs I say yes. I mean, he's in preschool aka germ central. But what about plain ol' actual dirt? Weather permitting, his class goes outside to the playground. But when he comes home, he sometimes needs that 'push' to get outside. He loves playing on the computer. Since the time spent on it is 90% educational I don't want to deter that either.
It always comes down to balance. In so many situations in our lives balance is key.
Let's face it, we live in a technical world. It's always about the newest,the fastest and the best. I want both kids to be completely literate when it comes to the computer and the tech world. The way things are going they would be lost without it. Luckily, we have tons of free websites that assist in beginning math, reading, etc while craftily teaching the functions of the computer and how to navigate the web.
They also need to keep a balance with the outside world and nature, away from the computer and the television. Sometimes I do have to give some incentive to get outside, but like the article says, once he gets out there he usually wants to stay out. Especially if there are other kids to play with. My go to used to be a bike ride around the block, but lately it's been the hose. I don't know too many kids who can resist having free and full access to a water source, especially the hose. Once he's turned on to that he's exploring on his own... the ants, the lubbers, the worms and anything else "dirty" he can get his hands on.
So get 'em out there and get 'em dirty.
It's good for 'em!!!!
Now, I just have to figure out a way to con him back inside for dinner and a bath.....
Are your kids getting dirty enough?
Are they getting dirty enough? When it comes to germs I say yes. I mean, he's in preschool aka germ central. But what about plain ol' actual dirt? Weather permitting, his class goes outside to the playground. But when he comes home, he sometimes needs that 'push' to get outside. He loves playing on the computer. Since the time spent on it is 90% educational I don't want to deter that either.
It always comes down to balance. In so many situations in our lives balance is key.
Let's face it, we live in a technical world. It's always about the newest,the fastest and the best. I want both kids to be completely literate when it comes to the computer and the tech world. The way things are going they would be lost without it. Luckily, we have tons of free websites that assist in beginning math, reading, etc while craftily teaching the functions of the computer and how to navigate the web.
They also need to keep a balance with the outside world and nature, away from the computer and the television. Sometimes I do have to give some incentive to get outside, but like the article says, once he gets out there he usually wants to stay out. Especially if there are other kids to play with. My go to used to be a bike ride around the block, but lately it's been the hose. I don't know too many kids who can resist having free and full access to a water source, especially the hose. Once he's turned on to that he's exploring on his own... the ants, the lubbers, the worms and anything else "dirty" he can get his hands on.
So get 'em out there and get 'em dirty.
It's good for 'em!!!!
Now, I just have to figure out a way to con him back inside for dinner and a bath.....

The county fair
I grew up in New Orleans. Well, technically Jefferson Parish, but the greater New Orleans area just the same. Houses are close, there are a lot of people and there is ALWAYS something to do. Your typical big city with an added bonus of awesome food, drink and festivals. The 'Big Easy' as my four year old likes to call it.
Now, we live in the country in Florida. I guess you could get even more country than this, as we don't live on a farm or own many acres of land, but that is what we are surrounded by. The houses are not close and there are not a lot of people. Your typical rural area.
There is not always something to do around here unless you want to travel about an hour to the closest metropolitan area.
As you can imagine that makes the County Fair a big deal.
Everyone goes.
While not nearly as big as the Florida State Fair they do have your choice fair attractions, Ferris Wheel, carousel, gravitron and one of my favs the swings.
What they also have, which I find so amusing, is livestock.
I realize this is normal for 'fair games' , but for a girl who is used to city fairs, this is totally new to me.
Our fairs were held in the parking lots and open fields of the high schools and elementary schools in the area. The only animals we saw were goldfish in little round bowls waiting for a ping-pong ball to decide their destiny.
Not they have it all...
From prize turkeys...
to your average fair pig.
I mean, I'm just waiting for a little girl named Fern to come out with buttermilk. (funny enough this pig was about to get a bath.)
Cows, chickens, hens, bunnies and ducks are some of the other animals that were on display. I gathered that it is a combination of local 4H clubs and farmers that enter their animals. I didn't dig deep enough to find out what the winners get, but there were definitely blue ribbons on some of the cages.
We had a good time, especially our 4 year old, he got an armband that allowed him unlimited access to all the rides. What could be better for kid that age?
The baby also did great. He's getting close to three months, so this was a big outing for him. Lots of lights, lots of noise, just a lot all around for a little guy to take in. And that's pretty much what he did, just took it all in.
Stinkin' cute, I know.
The smiles from our boys are definitely the highlight of the fair for the Hubs and I. But a close second is the prime people watching. If you have been to any fair anywhere, you are picking up what I am putting down. The 80's may be making a comeback with the teens, but there were some mom jeans and mullets saying the 80's never left. Classic fair attire, classic. Next time I'll try and snap a few shots, instead of just mouthing 'Wow' to the Hubs.
Good times. Good times.
Over all the fair was a hit. I don't know why our town doesn't have more festivals to get the folks out and socializing? Although, next month they are hosting the 1st Annual Blueberry Festival. Should be a fun day. Blueberries are delish, I'm just hoping for some good music, good people and good food to go along with them.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
The of THE BEST inventions ever!
OK. So this face may look a little unsure at first, but....

after a few sniffs from the dog,

he sure warmed up to it quickly.
The Bumbo comes in handy when you need an extra hand in the kitchen, too.
And especially when you really, really need a bath.
and after the shower, when I would prefer to be hands free.
Bumbo people, you are geniuses! Thank you for giving me those few extra minutes. But in the end I just can't resist picking up the baby boy who gives me a smile like this.
Get's me every time.
My words of wisdom for all you moms who have or are about to have an infant.... borrow one of these! If you can't borrow, buy. I know, I know I ,too, thought 36 bucks was a bit much for a piece of formed foam/rubber that you only get good use of for a few months, but trust me it's worth it. I'll even make it easy for you click here. All colors and free shipping, gotta love Amazon.
Note: the baby is just 2 months, not ready for a high chair, walker, jumper or really anything other than the swing and bouncer...that is until the Bumbo came along.
So a special 'Thank you!' to my mommy friend, Christie, who was kind enough to introduce me to this baby wonder.

Monday, April 9, 2012
I can see!
I've not met too many people whose vision is as bad as mine, but I do have a lot of friends who need glasses.
Since I have had some fabulous information passed down to me, I feel obligated to share the wealth.
As most of you with imperfect eyes know the eye doctor is expensive. The optical stores always boast deals like: $39 exam, a free box of contacts, two free frames, 100's of frames for under $80, etc. This is never the case. At least, I don't know anyone who actually walks out of the eye doctor only spending $40. You need a eye glass exam AND a contact exam...added expense. You need scratch proof lenses...added expense. You need super light lenses...added expense. Glare resistant...added expense. And you better get a bunch of contact boxes... it all adds up..quickly.
I've worn glasses since the first grade, so this rigamarole is nothing new to me. Around sixth grade I switched over to contacts and wouldn't be caught dead in public with my glasses on. Times have changed and I am liking my glasses more and more. It's a lot easier to just put my glasses on then worry about falling asleep in my contacts. The baby's schedule is still not set in stone and he's definitely not sleeping through the I nap whenever I can. Ergo glasses are more convenient. I am also finding that I can't tolerate the contacts for as long as I used to. My eyes get dry or itchy or blurry. All these factors boil down was time for me to go to the eye doctor. I hadn't been in years and my glasses were not cutting it...the glare, the scratches and the bent bueno.
Even though experience has taught me they are bogus, I start following the ads to see who has the best "deals." Then the Hubs surprises me with an appointment. (It's all I wanted for my birthday...the gift of sight) He had also done his research and we head in to the exam prepared, coupons in hand.
So far so good. I have my exam, have my eyes dilated, search for glasses, more exam. To make a long story a bit shorter. I narrow down my frame choices, and I was sure to stay in the price limits. Lo and starts adding up. Needless to say $330 dollars later we were outta there. I was still pleased,. Exam, glasses and two boxes of contacts...pretty good. And I also had the glasses prescription in my hand....
This was the golden ticket.
A few months back a friend of mine had told me about a website that had $7 glasses. 7 dollars!! I thought, no, it's too good to be true...But she was wearing the glasses and so was my other friend! Her vision wasn't perfect, but it was no where near as bad as mine. So, I thought, that must be it...I will have to pay for the extra thin lenses, so my 'coke bottles' will actually stay on my nose. I was dying to get to the computer and see for myself.
That evening I log
Sure enough there they are glasses starting at $6.95...
The pair I like is $9.95, ...still a GREAT deal. I'll take 'em!
I'm starting to get it comes..the add-ons, I'll watch the total skyrocket....
I had to add $4.95 for either non-glare, scratch proof or the thin lens. I can't remember which because the others were included in the price!! NO WAY, I was so shocked.
Add $4.95 for shipping and I'm at 20 bucks out the door!!!
20 BUCKS!!!!
I can't believe it. I frantically get the payment info in...thinking the deal is gonna go away, but it doesn't. I placed my order.
The next day I check my email...a message from zenni optical. Oh no, it was to good to be true.
NOPE. They wanted to make sure I put in the right prescription...they obviously couldn't believe my vision was that bad and wanted to be sure I didn't make a typo.
Wow, what service.
A couple days later I got my glasses.
They fit perfect! And more importantly I can SEE!!!!
Fantastic. I'm probably gonna get another pair just for fun...maybe I'll be one of those people who have all kinds of kooky frames..
20 bucks, I still can't believe it. Awesome.
So for all you near sighted people like's real. It's not a scam and there are gazillions of frames to choose from.
They also have bifocals and progressives...and you can even get tinted...all cost more, but nothing close to what the retail places charge.
You're Welcome.
And I'll past your gratitude on to Jurgita...she's the saint who passed this info on to me. :)
Since I have had some fabulous information passed down to me, I feel obligated to share the wealth.
As most of you with imperfect eyes know the eye doctor is expensive. The optical stores always boast deals like: $39 exam, a free box of contacts, two free frames, 100's of frames for under $80, etc. This is never the case. At least, I don't know anyone who actually walks out of the eye doctor only spending $40. You need a eye glass exam AND a contact exam...added expense. You need scratch proof lenses...added expense. You need super light lenses...added expense. Glare resistant...added expense. And you better get a bunch of contact boxes... it all adds up..quickly.
I've worn glasses since the first grade, so this rigamarole is nothing new to me. Around sixth grade I switched over to contacts and wouldn't be caught dead in public with my glasses on. Times have changed and I am liking my glasses more and more. It's a lot easier to just put my glasses on then worry about falling asleep in my contacts. The baby's schedule is still not set in stone and he's definitely not sleeping through the I nap whenever I can. Ergo glasses are more convenient. I am also finding that I can't tolerate the contacts for as long as I used to. My eyes get dry or itchy or blurry. All these factors boil down was time for me to go to the eye doctor. I hadn't been in years and my glasses were not cutting it...the glare, the scratches and the bent bueno.
Even though experience has taught me they are bogus, I start following the ads to see who has the best "deals." Then the Hubs surprises me with an appointment. (It's all I wanted for my birthday...the gift of sight) He had also done his research and we head in to the exam prepared, coupons in hand.
So far so good. I have my exam, have my eyes dilated, search for glasses, more exam. To make a long story a bit shorter. I narrow down my frame choices, and I was sure to stay in the price limits. Lo and starts adding up. Needless to say $330 dollars later we were outta there. I was still pleased,. Exam, glasses and two boxes of contacts...pretty good. And I also had the glasses prescription in my hand....
This was the golden ticket.
A few months back a friend of mine had told me about a website that had $7 glasses. 7 dollars!! I thought, no, it's too good to be true...But she was wearing the glasses and so was my other friend! Her vision wasn't perfect, but it was no where near as bad as mine. So, I thought, that must be it...I will have to pay for the extra thin lenses, so my 'coke bottles' will actually stay on my nose. I was dying to get to the computer and see for myself.
That evening I log
Sure enough there they are glasses starting at $6.95...
The pair I like is $9.95, ...still a GREAT deal. I'll take 'em!
I'm starting to get it comes..the add-ons, I'll watch the total skyrocket....
I had to add $4.95 for either non-glare, scratch proof or the thin lens. I can't remember which because the others were included in the price!! NO WAY, I was so shocked.
Add $4.95 for shipping and I'm at 20 bucks out the door!!!
20 BUCKS!!!!
I can't believe it. I frantically get the payment info in...thinking the deal is gonna go away, but it doesn't. I placed my order.
The next day I check my email...a message from zenni optical. Oh no, it was to good to be true.
NOPE. They wanted to make sure I put in the right prescription...they obviously couldn't believe my vision was that bad and wanted to be sure I didn't make a typo.
Wow, what service.
A couple days later I got my glasses.
![]() |
I went chunky, because I was never brave enough in the $300 range. |
They fit perfect! And more importantly I can SEE!!!!
Fantastic. I'm probably gonna get another pair just for fun...maybe I'll be one of those people who have all kinds of kooky frames..
20 bucks, I still can't believe it. Awesome.
So for all you near sighted people like's real. It's not a scam and there are gazillions of frames to choose from.
They also have bifocals and progressives...and you can even get tinted...all cost more, but nothing close to what the retail places charge.
You're Welcome.
And I'll past your gratitude on to Jurgita...she's the saint who passed this info on to me. :)
Monday, April 2, 2012
A gift from Boots
Last night after all the chillens were asleep the cat brought us a present....
She's been known to bring the occasional lizard or frog to the back door, but she really stepped it up last night.
I could see her on the lanai while we were watching TV and it was clear that she was in a game of 'cat and mouse' with something. I usually keep and eye on her when I notice the 'game' commence because once she gifted us a mole and another time a bat. I get the special honor of burying the choice animal in the woods, so the dog won't eat it. Gross, I know, but so goes the circle of life.
But last night was something special..
When it's not too hot, I leave a window cracked in the kitchen so she can come and go as she pleases. As I was watching her bob and weave she suddenly jumps up into the window and darts across the living room. I instantly knew the 'prize' had come in with her. I jump up and follow her in the hall, where I flick on the light. She looks up at me cute and innocent, mouth empty. I scan the floor and I catch what I think is a lizard tail scoot behind the plant. I move to grab it so I can throw it back outside and what I find is not a lizard, but, in fact this.....
As far as I can tell, it's a Western Black-headed snake. Supposedly living in the west, ya know, California, Arizona. Yet, this one visited us in sunny Fla. Don't worry I checked, not on any endangered lists.
Any who, back to the story. I obviously yell for my husband. I love nature, but lizards and frogs is where I draw the line in the field of catch and release from the house. The hubs on the other hand, likes to pretend he's all Jeff Corwin and catch em.
The snake was fast, so he had to move fast before it got lost somewhere in the house. As he's vocalizing that he doesn't recognize it and wondering if it's venomous, I'm saying, "just grab it, just grab it." He does and casually tosses it out the front door.
Of course, I immediately turn to the computer to find out what this snake is all about. I literally 'lol' when I read...'mildly venomous'. Hubs, is all, "oh that's just great." But luckily it's harmless to humans, the venom only immobilizes small insects.
Quite the eventful evening, right?
But, I feel it's always good to pass information about snakes, so we can be educated on who is and isn't going to hurt us and our children.
So here's your basic, brief FYI.
This Black headed snake is nocturnal and tends to mostly live underground, only coming out to hunt for food. The little guy is only 3-12 inches and skinny. And again, harmless to humans.
On and end note, Thank you Bootsie for bringing us a gift, but from now on you can keep them outside. :)
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here she is in all her cat glory, taking over the guest bed |
She's been known to bring the occasional lizard or frog to the back door, but she really stepped it up last night.
I could see her on the lanai while we were watching TV and it was clear that she was in a game of 'cat and mouse' with something. I usually keep and eye on her when I notice the 'game' commence because once she gifted us a mole and another time a bat. I get the special honor of burying the choice animal in the woods, so the dog won't eat it. Gross, I know, but so goes the circle of life.
But last night was something special..
When it's not too hot, I leave a window cracked in the kitchen so she can come and go as she pleases. As I was watching her bob and weave she suddenly jumps up into the window and darts across the living room. I instantly knew the 'prize' had come in with her. I jump up and follow her in the hall, where I flick on the light. She looks up at me cute and innocent, mouth empty. I scan the floor and I catch what I think is a lizard tail scoot behind the plant. I move to grab it so I can throw it back outside and what I find is not a lizard, but, in fact this.....
![]() |
photo from link to the right |
As far as I can tell, it's a Western Black-headed snake. Supposedly living in the west, ya know, California, Arizona. Yet, this one visited us in sunny Fla. Don't worry I checked, not on any endangered lists.
Any who, back to the story. I obviously yell for my husband. I love nature, but lizards and frogs is where I draw the line in the field of catch and release from the house. The hubs on the other hand, likes to pretend he's all Jeff Corwin and catch em.
The snake was fast, so he had to move fast before it got lost somewhere in the house. As he's vocalizing that he doesn't recognize it and wondering if it's venomous, I'm saying, "just grab it, just grab it." He does and casually tosses it out the front door.
Of course, I immediately turn to the computer to find out what this snake is all about. I literally 'lol' when I read...'mildly venomous'. Hubs, is all, "oh that's just great." But luckily it's harmless to humans, the venom only immobilizes small insects.
Quite the eventful evening, right?
But, I feel it's always good to pass information about snakes, so we can be educated on who is and isn't going to hurt us and our children.
So here's your basic, brief FYI.
This Black headed snake is nocturnal and tends to mostly live underground, only coming out to hunt for food. The little guy is only 3-12 inches and skinny. And again, harmless to humans.
On and end note, Thank you Bootsie for bringing us a gift, but from now on you can keep them outside. :)
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